Contact Information
Name: Carla Kunkel
Business: CMK Design
Address: 13152 Red Bird Court, Moorpark
Phone: (805) 796-8238
Social Handles
Instagram: @cmkdesign
Design Business
Professional Organizations: ASID
Years in business: CMK Design – 17 years
Areas of specialization:Full service interior design & complete remodeling services, including kitchen and baths. Custom window treatments, space planning, design consultations, paint & color selection for residential & commercial restaurant design.
Design Philosophy: It’s important for me to connect with my clients and listen to their likes and dislikes. Understanding a client’s lifestyle and viewing a home in its entirety is key to creating a harmonious flow throughout.
“When I am not working, I am probably …..” Baking is a passion of mine, especially baking royal velvet cookies. Also enjoy biking outdoors with my friends. I love all dogs, especially my own.