Interior Designer Interview
The following interior designer interview contains 21 questions. Some are silly, some are serious, and some you can play with and take in whichever direction you want. This is your time to shine, so answer all that you want. Bear in mind we don’t want your article skimpy, so please answer at least 4-5 questions. You should share your design skill, but ALSO your personality. Feel free to have some fun, if that’s your style or keep it more sedate if you prefer. Answer as though your YUMMIEST CLIENT EVER was reading this (SHE MIGHT BE!!)
The questions will be reprinted as you answer them. While we will proof for typographical errors, these are YOUR WORDS being quoted, so (for the most part) we won’t be editing your answers.There are several opportunities to share pictures. We encourage you to do this. Photos will keep the reader engaged. Attach them when you send the article back to us. If the photo is a representation of your thought and not YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY, make sure you have attached the link for proper accreditation. We will NOT be researching pictures for you, so please make sure if you want pictures, you have included them.[si-contact-form form=’4′]